Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Israel attacks in Gaza

A number of casualities have occured in Gaza following aerial attacks by Isreal. Although these attacks were directed against Hamas militants and their establishments, there have been a number of deaths of innocent lives including women and children. No sane person will justify the large scale massacre. It is not Isreal which is responsible for this carnage alone. These attacks were provoked by the Hamas whic had been targetting Isreali settlements with rockets and mortar fire every day. The Palestinian militants are responsible, in the first place, for violating the ceasefire by repeatedly launching rocket and mortar attacks against Israel. Israel merely retaliated against attacks in self defence. Loss of lives is inhuman but the party that starts the action is to be blamed. They ignored the various warnings of Isreal for retaliatory action aware fully of their potential and past history. The world community should hold Hamas responsible for the present carnage irrespective of their political alliances as this is violation of Human rights.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

What is the issue Mr. Prime Minister

Both our Prime Minister and External Affairs Minister have stressed that the current issue between India and Pakistan is not imminent war but terrorism. It is high time that our political masters should come out of their tongue in cheek policies and be bold enough to call a spade a spade. Pakistan though guilty of being the sponsor of terrorism has assumed a belligerent post against India and has been fanning anti India hype amongst its population. In such a situation India should have issued a stern warning instead of saying that current issue is not war We have learnt by now that terrorism is worst than war because in the latter case we face the enemy straight in the face and are able to strike at the target. This is not possible in the case of acts of terrorism. We should also be clear of one thing that although we do not war but for Pakistan it is a necessary evil for its survival. At present Pakistan is in a state of disintegration from all corners viz. Army does not recognize the civil government, NWFP and Baluchistan are out of its control and various fundamental groups have taken over the roles of civil authorities in all its provinces. In such a desperate situation, Pakistan appears to see the light in waging a war even at a high cost with India in order to survive. So let us be prepared to meet the challenges ahead and give a befitting reply.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Need for Compulsory Military Training for all

After having faced numerous terrorists attacks and lost many precious lives we need to apply our minds for appropriate remedial actions. It should be clear that terrorists strike suddenly and with meticulous planning to target maximum number of people. No Government can provide immediate respond, howsoever efficient it may be.The best possible solution is to enforce compulsory military training to all able bodied citizens with suitable amendments. This will be a most effective step towards self defence during any hostile attack as well as during any natural calamity. Many countries in the world have adopted this scheme successfully.

Delhi Elections- an Introspection

Election Reults of Delhi-an introspection

Now that results of Delhi Assembly Polls are out Congress Party and Congress controlled Media are attributing the defeat of BJP due to their stand on terrorism and terrorists attack in Mumbai. Nothing can be more unpatriotic and shameful stand than this slanderous campaign. In other words these people want to project that terrorism and tragedy in Mumbai is a non-issue and an insignificant national event.Are they preparing the nation to ignore such tragedies and ineffectiveness of the Government for future incidents.However, when do an unbiased introspection of the causes that led to the BJP’s fall following are some of the reasons:1.Sense of complacency that developed in the Cadres taking in view inflation, industrial recession and break down of law and order which will against the Government.2. There was no mass contact programme. In most of the colonies no BJP worker or Candidate went on door to door visits. Whereas, Congress workers and candidates did the same more than once. 3. The infighting following nomination of the Chief Ministerial candidate also contributed to the negative effect.4. The en mass voting by the minorities and immigrants like Bangladeshis against BJP following relentless propaganda by Congress. All these illegal migrants were issued Identity/Ration cads where as thousands of Indian residents living in Jhuggi clusters and lower middle class colonies were denied these cards.There may be more points but above are some gathered from ground level.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Asif Zardari the unpredictable and unreliable

The U turn by Pak President Zardari in regard to his assurances to India for sending his ISI chief and taking action against Pak citizens involved in gruesome carnage in Mumbai is nothing new. In fact we should have known his mind set right from the time he assumed power.He betrayed his coalition partner Mr. Nawaz Sharif, went back on his election manifesto to reinstate the former Chief Justice and so on. He talks tall and acts low. According to the news reports he was diagnosed with symptoms of Dementia.So his credibility both at home and abroad is very low. The people and Government of India should know this while dealing with him.

2. In fact it will not be exaggeration to say that he has no control over administration and army still rules Pakistan from the background. They know his weaknesses and are exploiting them to keep him amused. Going by our past experience with country we should not waste our time and energy in discussions and sending Demarche but prepare to give a final blow to their nefarious designs.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Hopes from Obama

We can see a ray of hope from the statement of President elect Obama at the Press Conference that USA whole heartedly will support India in its efforts to combat terrorism. He has rightly said that every soverign nation has the right to protect itself. It is a firm and clear message to Pakistan to clean its terrorist stable that it has nurtured so long bringing death and destruction in all corners of the globe under the twisted cover of religious slogan of Jihad. However, how far sincere USA is in its words and deeds, only time will show as our experience in the past has not been very happy. In any case, every nation has to be self reliant to protect its own interests. So let us not depend and rely too much on these statements and meet the challenge forcefully without inhibitions of any kind.

Has the Government right to continue?

The outrageous terrorist attack in Mumbai is in continuation of the similar serial attacks in Gujarat, Jaipur and Delhi. The intention of these nefarious attacks is to weaken our national solidarity, economy and developmental progress. We need not mince wors any more to identify the forces behind these attacks and openly declare Pakistan as the hostile country. If USA can target terrorists in Pakistan territory, what prevents us to follow suit? How long we are going to tolerate these brutes and inhuman creatures to smear our land with the blood of innocent lives?

2. Our Government has so far been playing dirty political games even when there have such ghastly murders. The appeasement policies towards anti social elements have encouraged these rogues to proceed with more vengeance. We have lost best of our policemen in Batla House and Mumbai attacks but the Government has only issued empty statements of taking strict action. Our Home Minister went to the extent of saying that the terrorists have the advantage of choosing the time and place.What prevents him to choose the time and place to annihilate these gangs of criminals? In other words, he has surrendered the nation's honour and security due to his inefficiency. There has been complete break down of law and order under this government and it has no right to continue in power.

Where was Raj Thackeray during Mumbai Carnage?

Whereas the entire nation's energies were rivetted to Mumbai in eliminating the terrorists, the common men were contributing their mite in selfless services. There was a stream of blood donors at the hospitals, anonymous young boys risked their lives to bring out the stranded hostages, men in the street offered free water, food and shelter to the victims and hotels gave free accommodated to the traumatised tourists. Hats off to all of them. But one wonders where had Raj Thackeray escaped from Aamchi Mumbai? Why did he not appear with his goons to protest against the outsider NSG,RPF and other para military outfits that saved hundred of Mumbaikar and others from the carnage? Hope Mumbaikars have seen the light of day and will ask the same questions from Raj as to where was he and what did he do to save Mumbai?

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Economic Crisis

The statements and declarations made by our leaders at the recently held HT Summit in New Delhi have greatly amused the nation. The Prime Minister assured the nation that India has the resources and expertise to tide over the global economic crisis. Only a day earlier he had declared that we cannot insulate ourselves from the global economic events. One would wish that if we have the expertise to tide over economic crisis then why not export our services in this field to USA and Europe who are in deep economic turmoil. At home our inflation is sky high, industrial growth has plummeted and job cuts are driving our youths to desperation. We should not mention about the relevance of stock market to the nation's economy as advised by our learned Finance Minister. When will our expertise be used to come out of the present turmoil?

2. Our great Comedian Railway Minister regaled the audience which included international celebrities with his wit and humour as he had no serious topic to discuss. And to add icing on the cake,N.Chandrababu Naidu the Astrologer predicted that it is most likely that the next PM would be a lady of a regional party. What a great Comedy Show?

Competitive Politics of India

Prime Minister's statement that "Competitive politics must not be allowed to divide our people on the basis of religion, caste or region" are the words of wisdom worth their weight in gold delivered at HT Summit. One wishes that the Prime Minister should have delivered this message to his Cabinet colleagues and the party he represents. The country has witnessed the division of people on religious grounds under the garb of secularism which has been given new meaning and connotation viz. Anti Hindu. The reservations in jobs and and other public offices are on caste basis sowing the seeds of division. The recent events in Maharashtra where Congress party rules the roost have unabashedly raised the slogan of division on regional basis with the open support of party big wigs. It requires introspection and soul searching by the Prime Minister as to who will translate his words into action.

Mumbai under attack

The most vicious and inhuman terrorist attack in Mumbai has exposed many facets of the international terrorism and the preparedness of our Government. Although at this hour of our distress and agony we should maintain national unity and solidarity, it will be naive not to analyse the factors leading to this well planned and executed sordid episode. We should now pick up the courage to call a spade a spade and not be sheepish in blaming the forces behind this attack. Instead of saying the hands of a foreign power behind this attack, let us be bold enough to say that is at the behest of Pakistan. Merely issuing statements and warnings, each time a carnage of this magnitude is carried out, a retaliatory action of similar type is required to send home the message to the dealers of death.

2. That the Governments at the Centre and State levels have failed miserably needs no proof. The intelligence agencies, Customs authorities and naval coast guards have not proved worth their salt in performance of their duties. The entire nation is rightly frustrated as there is complete failure of the system. The Home Minister, Government of Maharashtra and in fact the Government of India have forefieted the right to govern. The President should dissovle the Governments at the Centre and Maharashtra and order elections. Similarly an immediate exercise should be launched to overhaul the Government agencies that have failed to perform.

Mumbai under attack

The most vicious and inhuman terrorist attack in Mumbai has exposed many facets of the international terrorism and the preparedness of our Government. Although at this hour of our distress and agony we should maintain national unity and solidarity, it will be naive not to analyse the factors leading to this well planned and executed sordid episode. We should now pick up the courage to call a spade a spade and not be sheepish in blaming the forces behind this attack. Instead of saying the hands of a foreign power behind this attack, let us be bold enough to say that is at the behest of Pakistan. Merely issuing statements and warnings, each time a carnage of this magnitude is carried out, a retaliatory action of similar type is required to send home the message to the dealers of death.

2. That the Governments at the Centre and State levels have failed miserably needs no proof. The intelligence agencies, Customs authorities and naval coast guards have not proved worth their salt in performance of their duties. The entire nation is rightly frustrated as there is complete failure of the system. The Home Minister, Government of Maharashtra and in fact the Government of India have forefieted the right to govern. The President should dissovle the Governments at the Centre and Maharashtra and order elections. Similarly an immediate exercise should be launched to overhaul the Government agencies that have failed to perform.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sea Pirates

The recent emergence of Sea Pirates in Somalia is an extension of terrorism in the world. These Pirates have till date hijacked 58 ships and boats of merchant navy of different nations and collected huge amounts by way of ransom money. This is a dangerous trend and poses grave threat to international trade and merchant navy personnel. An immediate and strong action is required through the aegis of United Nations to wipe out these criminals and ensure the safety of men and material on board.