Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Let us also attend to other issues

The media and politicians in the Capital have been so obsessed WIth scams and corruption cases in high places that other important issues facing the general public have been sidelined. The capital is in the grip of Dengue and chickengunia which is in an epidemic form There is hardly any household in the city where one or the other member of the family is not afflicted with this dreaded affliction. This starts with high fever followed by other symptoms like dysentery, vomiting and severe joint pains. The joint pains last for many months.

2. Although the scale and magnitude of this disease is so enormous, Delhi Government issues figures of persons suffering from it in 40 to 50 in number which is quite irritating. In fact when patients go to Government and Government aided Hospitals they are turned away on the grounds that no beds are available. Those who can afford it or in acute state are forced to go to private Nursing Homes who fleece them financially. There is no move or campaign from the Civic authorities in the prevention, treatment or guidance to alleviate the sufferings of the common men. This callous attitude of the State Government is deplorable. They are mainly interested in issuing full page advertisements along with their photographs extolling their achievements in public health welfare schemes. Schemes that exist in their files. Will they rise to the occasion or wait till some one in their family gets this sordid disease?

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