It is most disturbing and distressing piece of news item to read that 24 Judges including one of the Supreme Court has been found involved in a multi-crore Provident Fund Scam against whom the CBI has decided to proceed. It is for the first time in the history of independent India that such a large number of judicial officers have been found to indulge in petty pecuniary benefits through fraud and conspiracy. Judiciary in India has held the pride of place in public estimation for its impartiality, integrity and highest degree of moral standards. It has been rightly compared with Ceasar's wife who should be beyond an iota of doubt in its conduct and dispensation of justice.
2. There have been isolated cases of a judge charged with corruption or misconduct but it is beyond the imagination of the most pessimist that such a large number of judicial officers whom people have been almost worshiping for dispensing even handed justice, would fall from grace. This reflects the general decadence that has afflicted the modern society and Judges are a product of the same society. This incidence should wake us up and call for enforcing a system of checks and balances in the Judiciary also as in other organs of the administration. Now the Judiciary has forefeited its claim of immunity from the procedure followed for other public servants.
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